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Conference on Traditional Medicine and Indigenous peoples' Ancestral Knowledge

Updated: Jun 8, 2024

Recognition and revaluation of Ayahuasca as an ancestral medicine.

For the first time, a "Regional Meeting on Traditional Medicine and Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge of the Ancestors" was held in Pucallpa, in the Ucayali region of Peru. The objective of the meeting was to re-evaluate and recognize Amazonian traditional medicine on an international scale.


The conference, which lasted three days, from November 23 to 25, was organized by the Shipibo Embassy, the Ministry of Indigenous peoples and the Ministry of Health, DIRESA, and was inaugurated by the regional governor Manuel Gambini. It was attended by ancestral doctors from various indigenous peoples groups such as Shipibo-Konibo, Huni Cuin, Ashanika and Awajún; representatives of the Ministries of Health, Culture and Tourism, as well as national and international experts, including lawyers, scientists and psychologists.

Worldwide interest in ayahuasca is growing and every year more and more people travel to the Amazon in search of healing. At the same time, there are many falsehoods about the medicine and more practitioners appear who are not sufficiently qualified to work with ayahuasca. Meanwhile, the knowledge of traditional plant medicine is being lost among the indigenous peoples, as it has so far only been transmitted orally.

“Many people think of ayahuasca as a drug. But any kind of medicine is problematic if it is not used properly or is taken in too high a dose". Roger Bardales


In workshops and speeches, various topics were developed, including the documentation of knowledge on plant medicine, the creation of an encyclopedia of Amazonian plants and the definition of traditional medicine and its distinction from scientific medicine.

WORKSHOP: Distinction between scientific and traditional medicine


In scientific medicine, symptoms are treated with medications made from plant extracts or pharmaceutical substances. It is a very "cold" and sober treatment based on giving something to the body and making it resistant to the disease. The medication cures one thing, but often worsens another at the same time.

In traditional medicine, the causes of illness are visualized and the connections between body, mind, spirit and soul, which are often in disharmony, are illuminated. It is a mystical experience that goes beyond the limits of consciousness.

The patient gets back in touch with his or her own being and opens up to a deeper understanding of how everything is connected. Medicinal plants work not only with their biological essences, but also with their whole spirit, bringing people back into harmony with themselves. It is a long process that requires discipline, but also brings long-term healing success.


Testimonials on the healing power of ayahuasca

The fact that ayahuasca is capable of curing even the most serious diseases was demonstrated by participants from Europe who gave testimonials describing their health history and how they were cured by the medicine.

In Peru, 23-year-old Marlene's ovarian cancer was completely cured within a few weeks. Maria Banova, 26, found in ayahuasca a way out of years of depression, which had worsened during a stay in a psychiatric hospital and with the addition of antidepressants. There are also reports of a drug and alcohol addiction of almost 20 years that was cured in a single weekend with ayahuasca.

The possibilities for healing are enormous, but how to recognize a good ayahuasca practitioner?

WORKSHOP: Identification of real medical practitioners

First of all, it should be mentioned that the term "shaman" does not exist in the indigenous peoples' languages and was only introduced by western influence. The curative treatment with ayahuasca is carried out by "doctors". Among the Shipibo are the "Merayas" and "Unayas", among the Huni Kuin "Uni Yushia" and "Uni Mukaya", which translates as "man who knows how to cure" or "man who knows the plants".

Basically, working with medicinal plants requires many years of study with a "master" and the completion of "diets". The dietas are long stays in the jungle during which the student's consciousness is clarified and healing knowledge is imparted while taking other medicinal plants.

The precise identification and creation of a registry of indigenous peoples medicine practitioners is one of the follow-up projects resulting from the event, as well as the following.

Agreements and commitments


  • Iniciar el proceso de identificación y registro de los agentes que practican la medicina tradicional indígena

  • Elaborar una iniciativa legislativa de política pública sobre salud intercultural en la región de Ucayali.

  • Conformar una comisión técnica para la sistematización de los saberes ancestrales relacionados a la medicina tradicional.

  • Elaborar un listado regional de plantas con propiedades medicinales usados en la medicina tradicional

  • Declarar el día y la semana internacional del festival de la ayahuasca.

  • Promover programas de formación en salud intercultural con participación de la Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Amazonia

  • Aprobar e Implementar el plan regional de salud indígena  

  • Convocar al primer congreso de medicina tradicional nacional para el mes de noviembre del 2024.

The event was surrounded by musical concerts, community meals, a Shipiba craft market and a bonfire.

The participants were very touched by the exchange and are looking forward to seeing each other again in 2024.

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